East Freo Playgroup
powered by TidyHQTestimonials
"I joined East Freo Playgroup last year after a lot of my mum's group had gone back to work and I wanted something to do on my days off. It's been such a lovely community to be welcomed into and my daughter talks about Playgroup all week. It's a great environment and fantastic in all weather so I always know I'll have somewhere to go on Tuesdays and look forward to the chats. We're signing up again this year!" Anita (Ellie's mum) - January 2022
"Warm and welcoming environment with a relaxed feel. I have made some long lasting friendships and the beauty is that we all live locally so we catch up regularly for play dates.
Love sitting on the balcony with a coffee and watching our children play together outside in a safe fenced in area so I can relax and chat with other parents. My children never want to leave at the end of each session.
Also, love the character filled heritage listed building." Casey (Beau and Will's mum) - January 2022
Playgroup has been great for my daughter Eleanor to have an opportunity to learn very important social skills like sharing & waiting turns with other children. She looks forward to coming each week and really enjoys the variety of toys available.
Thanks for all your hard work making the Playgroup as good as it is." Jane - July 2015
"I love watching my daughter interacting with the other children her own age at play group. I also find it quite a relaxing place to come and meet new and interesting people. We love our Friday mornings” - Nick (Ivy & Taj’s dad) - July 2015
"I love playgroup as Amelie gets to interact with kids of all ages and it's a great space to play and explore. Plus I get to chat with all the lovely mums and dads." Nicole - June 2015